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Dare to Soar
Read Flying Colors: A Soul-Stirring Adventure About Finding Your Wings
Who is This Guy?
Because it’s never too late to become the person you’re meant to be
Dare to Soar - Featured Posts
Parenting is hard. Really hard. By the time we have kids, most of us haven’t figured out what we want from our own lives after decades of trying. Yet, somehow we’re expected to figure out what this helpless stranger wants when…
Procrastination sucks. If one thing in life has slowed me down more than any other, it’s procrastination. It’s not as much an issue for activities I feel I must do, like earning a living or making an effort to stay healthy. But for those ambitious stretch goals I think will make…
More people than you’d imagine harbor dreams of writing. I know this because when someone learns about my experience, I often hear a variation of…
I’ve been addicted to hunting shark teeth on beaches for a long time. The activity is meditative and helps clear the mind, at least until exhilaration spikes when I see the perfect tooth and…
If there is one activity that has vastly improved my life in multiple ways, it’s journaling. I’ve mentioned this to numerous people who’ve asked me for…
I sometimes envy people who travel the world with everything they own slung over their shoulders in a backpack. How carefree must it be to…
When I started training for my pilot license, I was amazed at how I felt after a flight ended. If I ever lifted off from...
I’m a sucker for a distraction. Too often I’ll walk into my home office with a specific purpose in mind only to...
“Stop staring at the instrument panel,” my flight instructor said, finger pointing to the blue stretch of sky beyond the windshield. “Everything that makes flying worth it is...
Failure can be a scary thing. Most of us sense it lurking at the edge of...
Life on the ground is often rigid. We spend the better part of our days living between the lines, whether it’s the boundaries of a house or office, the narrow edges of a sidewalk, or the slightly wider lines of a…
As I neared my speaking venue, I suddenly regretted not making time to wash my car. The thin film of dust on the vehicle’s black hood looked even worse through my…
Fitness has been part of my life for a long time. I’ve worked out enough to have a little insight into building muscle. One absolute truth is, muscle doesn’t grow unless you…
Have you ever had moments when you’ve been struck by an intense clarity, a knowing that we’re all integral parts of something much bigger than we’ve ever dared imagine? For me, it always occurs when I…
I often speak to groups about networking. People think I have a secret to success around it. But I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them: I don’t like networking…
We all receive signs. Some of us just don’t notice. People call them different things: signs from the universe or signs from God. Both terms work for me, but…
Most close friends know I look for signs from the universe to guide me. I wrote Cosmic Signposts to share what reinforced my belief in them, but I've felt compelled to write a follow-up post to share something I've learned.
If you want a steady stream of signs from the universe to help guide your decisions, my experience is this: