Remember What You Came Here to Do
I’m a sucker for a distraction. I’ll walk into my home office with a specific purpose, only to waste precious time doing something unplanned. Maybe it’s grabbing a magazine off the desk to read a tempting article whose cover title is far better than the piece itself or tumbling down the internet rabbit hole when I want to pay a bill online.
The worst part is that after the detour ends, I feel listless and irritated because I find myself staring into space, trying to remember what I originally came into the office to do. Over the months, those minor detours add up to long stretches of wasted time I can’t account for and will never get back. What do I have to show for them?
The same thing happens in our lives. String together countless detours of unplanned activities, and they could turn into a lifetime you can’t account for and will never get back.
I believe we all stepped onto this earth, into these lives, to do something special. That something special is probably a promise you made to yourself before birth. Some of us accomplish those promises, and some of us don’t. For those who don’t, I believe they have forgotten what they came here to do. There is no shame in forgetting. We all experience it from time to time. But if you have forgotten what you came here to do, there is a problem if you aren’t trying to remember.
Make your life count by accomplishing what you came here to do. If you are struggling to recall what that is, shut off the internet, go for a walk, and work on remembering.