The Universe Christopher Laney The Universe Christopher Laney

Ask for Signs to Guide You

Most close friends know I look for signs from the universe to guide me. I wrote Cosmic Signposts to share what reinforced my belief in them, but I've felt compelled to write a follow-up post to share something I've learned.

If you want a steady stream of signs from the universe to help guide your decisions, my experience is this:

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Guidance Christopher Laney Guidance Christopher Laney

My Favorite Parenting Advice

Parenting is hard. Really hard. By the time we have kids, most of us haven’t figured out what we want from our own lives after decades of trying. Yet, somehow we’re expected to figure out what this helpless stranger wants when…

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Why You Must Believe in Yourself

There are probably many people in your life who believe in your ability to succeed. Mom or dad or the significant other. But those individuals’ own lives consume the bulk of their time. They are too busy…

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Procrastination Paradox: Why Done is Better than Great

Procrastination sucks. If one thing in life has slowed me down more than any other, it’s procrastination. It’s not as much an issue for activities I feel I must do, like earning a living or making an effort to stay healthy. But for those ambitious stretch goals I think will make…

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How to Rise Above the Storm Clouds in Life

How do you feel when you walk outside to a bright blue sky? Does it feel good? It does to me.

What if the day is dark, with rainclouds hanging low? Different feeling, right? I like it sometimes if…


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Guidance Christopher Laney Guidance Christopher Laney

No Coincidences

Have you ever watched a movie that follows multiple characters over a period of time as they unknowingly weave in and out of each others lives? Then fate...

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