"Flying Colors" text with cloud illustrations.

No one writes a book alone. It takes more outside input and help than I realized before writing the first page.

Scott and Tiffany, your cabin was the perfect place to start this book. Chip, thanks for opening the studio at The Sanctuary for me to pen the bulk of it. Bob and Susan, your cabin was the ideal backdrop to finish it. John Hart, thanks for showing the way and for your encouragement. Dena and Steve, I appreciate your multiple reads.

To Dave and Dave, the owners of two fine Piper Cubs, thanks for the flying time in each one. Ged, thanks for your help on so many levels. We need to fly together soon. Oshkosh next year with Scott? Steve, thank you for your hospitality all the years we invaded your camp for the air show.

Adrienne, thanks for everything you did. Angie, I owe you for the epiphany. Laurie, your belief in me helped this fly. Mary, thanks for your incredible support. Stefanie, your help was invaluable.

And to every beta reader who provided invaluable feedback, I’m grateful. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you, Amy, Angie, Becky, Betsy, Bob, Chip, Cindy, Ed, Emily, Heide, Kim, Kristina, Joseph, Juanita, Laine, Laurie, Leslie, Lisa, Louisa, Lynne, Mary, Pete, Randy, Rudy, Skip, Stefanie, Steve, Sonja, Susan, Tracie, and Tom.

And to my sons, TJ, John, and Cort. You are each inspirational to me. Continue to do what lifts you.