The School of Life
There’s no substitute for the school of life. Each of us is enrolled, like it or not. But we should like it. It’s the finest education money can’t buy…
Life is Rich
We’ve all heard the maxim, “The best things in life are free.” It’s true. But what about those great things in life that do cost something? I’ve been thinking about it and making a list of…
Passion for Planes, Paintings, and Pets
Passion. It sparks in radiant arcs when you discover it—or it discovers you. When you possess it, you couldn’t hide its warm glow if you tried. Passion spills beyond the edges of your physical form to…
The Space Between Life's Lessons
Some of you may have noticed a lag between posts recently, which may imply I’m not writing as much. Au contraire. Last week I wrote at least six hours a day, sometimes seven and eight. What am I spending so much time writing if not…
Into the Great Wide Now
Flaps, one notch. Mixture, rich. Sky, clear. Throttle, full. Brakes, released. The plane clings to the ground for an instant, Newton and one of his pesky laws stunts your…
You Can't Soar from a Prison Cell
Imagine for a moment you're confined to a prison cell. It’s not the dark, dank room we’ve grown to expect based on the movies. Instead, it’s warm and comfortable. You’ve decorated it with…
Airport Angel
Sometimes help not only comes when you least expect it, it also arrives in the most unlikely of forms. At least that was my experience three weeks ago when…
Cosmic Signposts
We all receive signs. Some of us just don’t notice. People call them different things: signs from the universe or signs from God. Both terms work for me, but…
Smile and the World Smiles With You
I found myself immersed in a sea of people last week, adrift in the ebb and flow of humanity at O’Hare Airport. Sometimes it felt as if I was swimming against a current, a riptide of passengers intent on…
Make the Leap - Part 2
When a caterpillar emerges from a chrysalis, does it know it has become a butterfly capable of flight, or does it make a leap of faith from the empty husk? I not sure we’ll ever learn the answer, but…
Make the Leap - Part 1
There is something you were meant to do. The fortunate among us know what that something is and are…
Don't Look Back
Someone once asked me if my airplane had a rearview mirror. While it might be useful for keeping an eye on the kids in the back seats, there’s…
The Holy Ground of Boeing
For those that read Weather or Not, you know I planned to fly myself to Atlanta for the weekend. The universe apparently had another idea for me since a wicked line of thunderstorms barreled through the…
Weather or Not...
I’ve been thinking about the weather lately. This weekend, I’ll fly my plane to Atlanta to join my…
The Sky's NOT the Limit
There’s a saying that’s common. You’ve probably heard it: The sky’s the limit. It’s said to encourage someone, to inspire him or her to aim as high as possible. The irony is…
Discover the Hero Within
I’ll let you in on a secret, but don’t laugh. Well… you can laugh, but try not to do it in front of me. Here goes: the reason I learned to fly an airplane was because…
Reach Your Dreams: You CAN Get There From Here
One luxury of flying an airplane is you travel straight to your destination. Barring an obstacle along the route, like restricted airspace or an ornery weather system, you can…
Find Your Balance to Find Your Wings
Balance is critical in aviation. Flying a plane that has a center of gravity too far forward or aft invites trouble. You can stare at the outside of a…
Unexpected Turbulence: Navigating Life's Jolts
This might come as a shocker, but aviation weather forecasters don’t always get it right. The accuracy level they’ve achieved in recent years is phenomenal, but you can bet there are times when…
Follow Your Inner Compass: How to Listen to the Voice Inside You
If you ask a pilot how he navigates, how he knows which direction to fly, the acronym GPS will probably appear somewhere in the answer. After all, there are no signs in the sky…